Healthcare Patient Satisfaction Survey
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Healthcare Patient Satisfaction Survey Free Google Docs Template

save Healthcare Patient Satisfaction Survey Free Google Docs TemplateHealthcare Patient Satisfaction Survey Free Google Docs Template

Today, we have prepared a free Healthcare Patient Satisfaction Survey Google Docs Template with Action Items for you, which is suitable for online editing. At the moment, it is very difficult to imagine humanity without medicine and hospitals. We all understand that not only our physical but also mental health depends on the quality of service in hospitals. Many private clinics conduct small surveys of their regular customers. This gives them insight into how to improve their service in the future. If you are a manager or a private psychologist, you can also adopt this tradition. This will help you not only improve service, but also increase patient confidence. This healthcare patient satisfaction survey free Google Docs template is perfect for that.

The template has 4 pages with perfect structure and contains the necessary text for a patient survey. A simple white background goes well with blue elements. The name of the template is placed at the top of the template and stands out from the main text thanks to the font “Source Sans Pro”. A little lower, patients will be able to write down everything they liked or disliked during the appointment, evaluate the care of the staff (nurses, doctors, etc.). Further, there is an opportunity to evaluate the cleanliness in the hospital and the ward, to clarify with the client where he is going to stay, when he is discharged, etc. On the 3rd page, a person will be able to put their own overall rating. At the end, there is an opportunity to add your comments, wishes, criticism, etc.

This template will help you significantly improve the quality of your services. As a result, you will get more satisfied patients. In addition, if desired, you can easily adjust it. For example, you can add your hospital logo, change the appearance of the answer boxes and etc. The Google Docs editor can handle this with ease. To have more of these templates at your disposal, you can use