Minimalistic Resume Free Google Docs Template

save Minimalistic Resume Free Google Docs TemplateMinimalistic Resume Free Google Docs Template

Get a free and easily editable online Minimalistic Resume template for Google Docs. Now you have the opportunity to create a compelling minimalist resume for free with our template. The minimalistic design will look appropriate for any profession from the basic position to the top manager.

We relied on the input of a large number of HR managers to develop this template. It takes an HR manager only 5 to 10 seconds to view each resume. Moreover, we tried to make the template as intuitive and easy to read as possible. Blocky text splitting allows you to spend just a couple of minutes on changing the layout to suit your taste. You can also be independent of the color of the document and choose it to your liking. Alternatively, you can opt out of color if you use monochrome printing. It will take a couple of clicks to customize this minimalistic resume free Google Docs template for your persona. File documents are compatible with Microsoft Word and macOS Pages for even more convenience. In addition, you can download many other resumes from our website.