Balloon Price List Free Google Docs Template

save Balloon Price List Free Google Docs TemplateBalloon Price List Free Google Docs Template

Introducing to you Balloon Price List Free Google Docs Template. At the moment, there is no such holiday where balloons would be superfluous. They have always been a wonderful attribute and delighted both adults and children. And if you’re an event planner, party planner, or balloon artist, balloon price list free Google Docs template is a must-have tool for your business. This will help you create an orderly and accurate list of balloon prices. In doing so, it will save you a lot of time and ensure that you get paid for the work you do.

The appearance of this template is great for various editing. At the same time, its base looks very stylish and unusual. All this is due to the style in which it is made – minimalism. The title is at the top of the template and is in “Great Vibes” font. Next to the title, you have the option to place your contact details and your social networks. The main part of the template is occupied by visual pictures of balloons. After them are the names of the service or the size and number of balls, as well as their cost. Using photos, you can immediately clarify to the client what product they will receive. Also, it will be easier for you to adjust the prices depending on the type of balloons you use, the size or complexity of the design.

One of the best things about this template is that it is completely free to use. You don’t need to pay for a subscription or buy any software to use this template, all you need to do is go to and download it. In addition, you can easily edit or customize it. For example, you can add new products here, write down bonuses or discounts, integrate a delicate coral color into the background, or leave everything as it is. Don’t forget, there are even more free and useful templates at!