Halloween Potluck List Free Google Docs Template

save Halloween Potluck List Free Google Docs TemplateHalloween Potluck List Free Google Docs Template

Get a free and easily editable online Halloween Potluck List Template for Google Docs. The countdown to Halloween is on. And you will need to deliciously feed a company of friends at a party consisting of Frankensteins, zombies, werewolves, goblins, vampires and many others. The party will be comfortable and fun as long as you don’t have to cook all day beforehand. Use our potluck list and throw a cool Halloween party. Let each of your friends be creative and bring their favorite and most creative dishes. And to make Halloween food and drinks varied, you will need our template. Write down on the potluck list what food and drinks the guests will bring. Thus, you will only have to decorate the house, prepare dishes and napkins. Have a happy holiday! Rock out to the fullest!

Halloween potluck list free Google Docs template is made in pastel beige colors. The design uses an evil pumpkin, which creates a mood on the eve of the holiday. The headers contain the activity and event name, as well as the date, time, and location of the party. And of course, examples of food types are listed: appetizer, dessert, main dish, salad, side dish, other.

Additionally, the template is very easy to edit. You can enter the name of the party and the venue, change the colors of the template or the names of the columns. Moreover, you can completely change the structure of the list, replace pictures, fonts, and so on. The Google Docs online editor is perfect for editing. Alternatively, you can use offline editors such as Microsoft PowerPoint or Keynote. All templates on gdoc.io are free for commercial and personal use. Download more Halloween templates in bucket lists, menus and newsletters. Bookmark the site or our social networks, we publish new products every day.