Newspaper Obituary Free Google Docs Template

save Newspaper Obituary Free Google Docs TemplateNewspaper Obituary Free Google Docs Template

Get a free and easily editable online Newspaper Obituary Template for Google Docs. This classic and well-structured template will help your readers get to know any news, even sad ones like as the death of people. Use a template to let your readers know all the important information about a person’s death, life, accomplishments, and upcoming funeral.

The template consists of:
– Classic look;
– The name of the newspaper;
– Date, year and issue of the newspaper, highlighted with a frame;
– An article about a person and his horizontal photo;
– Classic newspaper fonts: Josefin Sans, Alegreya, Abril Fatface;
– The lower part of the newspaper, highlighted with a classic frame and contains another article and a photo.

In addition, you can use the newspaper obituary free Google Docs template, or you can change it. For example, change the font, color, change the name and use it as a regular newspaper about the events of the week. You can make any changes in the simple Google Docs online editor. In addition, the website publishes new and free templates daily. So bookmark the site for more newspaper templates.