Business Plan Flowchart Diagram Mind Map
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Business Plan Flowchart Diagram Mind Map Free Google Docs Template

save Business Plan Flowchart Diagram Mind Map Free Google Docs TemplateBusiness Plan Flowchart Diagram Mind Map Free Google Docs Template

Get a free and easily editable online Business Plan Flowchart Diagram Mind Map template for Google Docs.

Lightweight and minimalistic design with imitation of hand-drawn graphics with simple geometric shapes, will be the perfect solution for you and your business. The graphic design of the mind map (“thinking tree” or “idea scheme”) includes: the main block, levels and sublevels; crosses; wavy lines; grotesque and cursive Google Fonts; neutral color scheme of muted purple, yellow and orange hues. The original template is completely ready, but if necessary, you can customize, edit any part of the layout (color scheme, design details) or scale it in Google Slides without special skills. Or you can download the business plan flowchart diagram mind map free Google Docs template for editing in Microsoft PowerPoint.

Moreover, we are happy to update the absolutely free collection of templates for Google Docs daily. You can also find even more mind map templates on Use them for your business, even if you don’t have any graphic editor skills!