Wedding RSVP Menu Choice
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Wedding RSVP Menu Choice Free Google Docs Template

save Wedding RSVP Menu Choice Free Google Docs TemplateWedding RSVP Menu Choice Free Google Docs Template

Get a free and easily editable online Wedding RSVP Menu Choice Template for Google Docs. Newlyweds often worry about their wedding going smoothly and calmly. Especially those who have prepared a rich assortment of dishes are worried about this. After all, you never guess which of the guests prefers to eat fish instead of meat, and who is generally a vegetarian. Therefore, in order to make it easier for you and your waiters to serve dishes, we have developed a wedding rsvp menu choice free Google Docs template.

The original template consists of:
– Minimalist background in pastel colors;
– The color of the fonts in brown and classic shades;
– Beautiful fonts (Forum and Lavishly Yours Regular);
– 4 menu categories for choosing a dish (Chicken, Beef, Fish, Vegetarian).

You can use the wedding menu choice template in the original. And also you can change it in the online Google Docs editor. For example, change the color, dishes, background, add a wedding photo or new fonts. Look for more free templates on the website, in sections such as menus, bucket lists, packing lists and more.