Weekly Preschool Lesson Plan Free Google Docs Template

Get a free and easily editable online Weekly Preschool Lesson Plan template for Google Docs.
The colorful cartoon design is perfect for making a weekly schedule not only for pupils, students, kindergarten students, but also for your own children or younger siblings. This cute graphic design will definitely boost their positive mood. Parallax background consists of: kite, space rocket, circles, light yellow sunset sky and green bushes with white flowers. And the layout includes: 4 columns with academic subjects (reading aloud, literacy, math, science / SS / art) as well as rows with days highlighted in warm accent color for important events (exams, homework, project submissions, final and intermediate tests, etc.). They include adjusting the original color scheme (in warm colors). Besides, you can easily change the weekly preschool lesson plan free Google Docs template in the Google Docs online editor. Or download the file to use in Microsoft PowerPoint or Keynote.
Find more free lesson plan templates ready to be edited online. We have templates for preschools, schools, colleges and more. Use free gdoc.io templates not only for yourself, but also for your family, students or work.