Weekly College Class Schedule Free Google Docs Template

save Weekly College Class Schedule Free Google Docs TemplateWeekly College Class Schedule Free Google Docs Template

Get a free and easily editable online Weekly College Class Schedule Template for Google Docs. If your students are often late for classes or do not know where the next lesson will take place, then most likely they lack a class schedule. So having a schedule will help them keep up with the information they need to retain. Help your students structure their class time with weekly college class schedule free Google Docs template.

The original template contains:
– A background of a greenish tint, with the image of the university in the background;
– A school coat of arms and also school name appear at the beginning of the template;
– The days of the week and the place for the schedule are arranged in the form of a table;
– Fonts: Glegoo, Josephine Sans, Releway.

The design of the template does not distract from the information and at the same time stands out from other announcements or schedules. Besides, students will be happy and will definitely thank you for your help. Use this timetable in school, college, university, office, etc. You can easily edit the entire template or individual elements in Google Docs. At gdoc.io, we add new templates daily to sections like newsletters, planners, school announcements, class schedules, etc.