Corporate Business Card Free Google Docs Template

save Corporate Business Card Free Google Docs TemplateCorporate Business Card Free Google Docs Template

Get a free and easily editable online Corporate Business Card Free Google Docs Template. A creative and highly informal design with a contrasting color combination of mint, white and navy blue. The minimalist design style mainly consists of accent rectangles on the background of the headings, a dark blue background, and a scalloped header and footer. Enter your personal data in the information blocks: phone, name, last name, Behance, Linkedin, Facebook, address. Add new items, edit or remove unnecessary ones. Headings of the first level are marked with a classic slab font. The classic layout is intuitive and easy to read.

The corporate business card free Google Docs template is compatible with digital resources such as Google Docs or any other text editors. To create, use and edit the layout, you will need a minimum amount of effort and time. In addition, the whole design is completely ready for printing and sale! Distribute the business card through web resources or directly in real communication.

On you can find and use a large number of absolutely free business card templates on the topic of various professions, and in particular the practice of law. Edit them, insert your text and send online or print right now! Moreover, our template design is fully compatible with Microsoft Word and macOS Pages.