Colorful Business Card Free Google Docs Template

save Colorful Business Card Free Google Docs TemplateColorful Business Card Free Google Docs Template

Get a free and easily editable online Colorful Business Card Template for Google Docs. If you are following the principle of “the more creative the better”, then this template is for you. We recommend using this card for expressive people who know how to attract attention. And also for those who are interested in the portfolio, such as event organizers, designers, advertisers, animators, directors, etc. Most importantly, the style of the colorful business card free Google Docs template should match the character and profession of the owner.

The expressive range of the template design consists of a combination of blue / cyan and yellow colors to highlight accents. If you still want to edit the colors, then it’s very easy to do. We advise you to choose another contrasting and colorful color for the background as a replacement for yellow. We’ve also added infographics in the form of logos for portfolio links to popular sites. Namely: Behance, Linkedin And Instagram. And if you’re looking for a job right now, we recommend using this free resume template to keep your style consistent. Use Google Docs to edit text and graphics. All files are compatible with Microsoft Word and macOS Pages. In addition, download more business cards for you and your business at