Asian Restaurant Business Card
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Asian Restaurant Business Card Free Google Docs Template

save Asian Restaurant Business Card Free Google Docs TemplateAsian Restaurant Business Card Free Google Docs Template

Get this free and easily editable online Asian Restaurant Business Card Free Google Docs Template. We have selected the appropriate Asian style to display this orientation. These images illustrate the dishes: a classic set, rolls with shrimp and fish, wasabi, soy sauce as well as Chinese sticks. The minimalistic design complements the detailed and high-quality photographs. The composition is carefully planned and we didn’t forget to leave a place for your logo. We chose red as an accent, and it works well with the standard black and white color scheme. For the first level heading, we used calligraphic cursive. While all other text blocks are in simple grotesque font. The information parts contain: mobile, website, email and address, line of business description (restaurant), name (japanese food).

Transform the design of the asian restaurant business card free Google Docs template. Change the quantity and availability of details, fonts, scales, color scheme, orientation, layout and everything you want! Don’t worry about the adaptability of the template, you can use it for both MS Office text editors and Google Docs. Expand your templating capabilities with! Get access to an ever-expanding repository of free text and graphic templates. You are also free to edit or use the files for commercial purposes. Moreover, they are compatible with Microsoft Word or macOS Pages.